What is TOG?

TOG stands for 'Thermal Overall Grade' and is a unit of measurement for insulation and warmth of sleepwear and bedding. TOG is an indication of how effectively a material can keep warm air trapped close to the body.

Why should i let my baby sleep in your sleep bag?

With a loose fitting Infant Sleep Bag, you’re little one still has arm and leg range but restricts their mobility. With a loose fitting Toddler Walker Sleep Bag, you’re little one has all the movement and mobility they need, while staying warm without a huge blanket in their bed/crib. This helps reduce the risk of SIDS (Sudden Infant Death Syndrome) and helps you, as the parent, get a good nights sleep knowing that they are warm and safe.

How should i wash my bamboo garments?

Garments made from Bamboo should be washed in a gentle, cold water cycle and dried in a dryer set to low heat or hung. NEVER wash your Bamboo garments with bleach.

Why should i choose bamboo for my family?

Bamboo is naturally softer which makes it more cozy to the touch. Bamboo is anti-microbial, very breathable and has high moisture absorption making it perfect for sensitive and fragile skin (like your babies.)